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  • Writer's pictureChiaro

Alpha Male Mentality

Hating women does not make you Alpha; you just come off as pathetic.

Being aggressive doesn't help either; you just come off as a loose cannon.

Being a jerk makes you intolerable.

Now that we have that out the way, let's talk about what it really means to be alpha.

A True Alpha Male

There are a few constant attributes that every alpha male have in common and the following section will discuss these attributes.

Strong Character

Having a strong character is knowing who you are and what your stand for. It's knowing the things that you are willing to accept and where you draw the line. It's making decisions and sticking to them. It's being reliable, self aware and having a sense of accountability. Without strong character then you are no different to a child who doesn't know better.


Nothing says Beta more that a man who is indecisive. This is especially common in dating scenarios where the guy would ask the girl where she wants to eat instead of suggesting a place or going on a date and you don't take the lead all the way through. Indecisiveness is a very weak attribute to have, as a man and should be dealt with if you find that you are that type of person.

Commanding Presence

Have you ever been in a room and there was this one guy who just had an aura about him even though he wasn't saying much? The kind of man who seems like they are in charge as if they were in uniform even in a casual space? That is what a commanding presence feels like and it very hard to obtain. It's either you have it or you don't.


If you're still reading at this point then I am willing to bet that you're probably not alpha and that is okay. Not everyone is meant to be alpha. The moment you understand this, you will not be part of the Beta males that feel the need to overcompensate for their lacking characteristics.

The alpha male mentality is all about working on yourself and always finding ways to improve where you can.

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