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  • Writer's pictureBane

Read the Situation Mfethu!!...

You're at the club with your boys. You take a sip of your drink while taking a look around the room and BAM, there stands the most beautiful women you've seen all night. After pointing her out to your mate you decide to go for the kill...

By making that one decision men need to understand that there are certain responsibilities that come with it. If you bowl your delivery and it gets clipped for six (you get the classic "yhu ha,a bhuti") do the right thing and walk away. So many men decide to be persistent with the notion that the woman is playing hard to get. No my brothers, walk away. Your presence is unwanted and unwelcomed. There is nothing worse than being the guy who's clearly being batted but wont take the hint. You took the leap of faith and it resulted in you being dispatched out the park. There is no shame in that. Dust yourself off (basically swallow the L) and walk away.

But what if she reciprocates and entertains your advance? Well then my brother the burden of responsibility is even heavier. First and foremost please treat that woman with respect. Lay your game but be respectful about it. You are speaking to another human being for Pete's sake. Brothers please stop with this uninvited touching and whispering into woman's ears. Read the situation, mfethu. If you can see she is uncomfortable with you getting too close to her, then what makes you think she will allow you touching her, let alone breathing onto her make up (that is a little jab at those with make up). Please don't be forceful, if you can see that you are punching above your weight and she is clipping every line to the boundary, please don't be forceful, take your L and walk away with your dignity.

Gents, every guy loves the thrill of the chase but women are not objects, they are humans just like you and I. We should respect them in any setting not just in clubs, the same way that we respect other men. If you can walk past another man without touching him, why can't you do the same to women.


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