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  • Writer's pictureThe Sandman

The Simp


A Simp is a man that puts himself in a submissive or subservient position under a woman in the hopes that by doing so he may curry sexual favour with said woman.

The Simp is highly despised among men. he is looked down upon by the Fuck Boys, the Blessers, the Gentleman and the Leadership.

The reason the Simp is so abhorred by all the other denominations of men is that the Simp has no sense of shame and no pride in being a man. The are willing to debase themselves all in the hope of "getting that ass".

Examples of Simp behaviour includes, but is not limited to; always letting the woman make any and all decisions in the relationship, acquiesce to all her requests regardless of how infeasible or incomprehensible. Taking all financial responsibility in the relationship and never speaking up for yourself even if you are not in the wrong.

Do not misunderstand though, it is not to say that a man is a Simp for respecting a woman or admiring her in any way. Love and respect are the linchpins of a strong relationship, and being submissive to ones partner regardless of gender is perfectly fine. The key difference here is that the Simp does not do this out of a sense of respect or love for the woman. They use the love and respect as a despicable tool to simply, as the kids would call it, "smash".

They are a growing scourge for the modern man, as they create and perpetuate unrealistic expectations from woman. And simultaneously reinforce some of the worst ideas woman have about men. The Simp must be stopped from further tainting the already sordid reputation men have in this age of Men Are Trash.

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